Pearman Fitness Year 1: San Francisco’s #1 Celebrity Trainer – Video

San Francisco’s #1 Celebrity Trainer
The Best Fitness Tips

The Physiology Of Willpower: Where Does Discipline Come From?

Willpower is the key to much that’s good in life. Willpower is what makes us save for the future rather than splurge now. It helps us to keep our heads down, studying and working when we really don’t feel like it, to earn that degree or promotion. Willpower allows us to say no to that tempting cigarette, extra dessert, or second glass of whiskey — and to hop on the treadmill. And, of course, failures of self-control can sabotage all those goals. Continue reading

Why Our Unconscious Rules Us and What to Do About It

One of the common denominators of people who enter therapy is the feeling of being “stuck” in some way. Often there is the feeling of not being able to break out of a set of behaviors, feelings or thoughts. People know “it should be different,” but can’t seem to get things to really change for themselves. Their moods may come and go, but somehow they keep slipping back into old patterns. Regardless of the number of accomplishments, feelings of not being good enough still arise. Regardless of how spiritual, feelings of anxiety emerge. Regardless of how hard they try, up comes the sense of being out of control. So where do these feelings generally come from? The simple answer is from the memories that form our unconscious mind. Continue reading