Man Boobs Are for Real and Possible to Banish If so Desired

You probably love a great set of breasts (OR NOT)—as long as you’re not the one sporting them. Turns out, more and more men are lining up to get rid of their man boobs or “moobs.” Male breast reduction surgeries increased by 6 percent in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. But you might not need to go under the knife if you’ve got a sagging top.

There are two reasons why a guy might have man boobs. The first is a medical condition. Clinical gynecomastia—male breast enlargement—can result from a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone. It’s usually not a serious problem and may go away on its own. However, if you think you have gynecomastia and it continues to persist, you should visit a doctor to find out if medication or surgery will help. Continue reading

3 Meds That You may Be Taking with the Craziest Side Effects Ever

We all know those medicine commercial where they list off ten minutes of sides effects and the commercial alone gives you heart murmurs: diarrhea, upset stomach, blurry vision… or death. What medications have they craziest sides effects? Enders

Sure, medicine is supposed to make you feel better—but before you go popping prescription pills, you may want to look into their side effects.

Patients who are taking the new anti-clotting medication Pradaxa have a 33 percent higher risk of experiencing vascular complications such as a heart attack or acute coronary syndrome, says a recent study published in theArchives of Internal Medicine.

Maybe you should read the fine print.

Yet even though there was an increased risk for experiencing a heart attack, the authors noted that the meta-analysis found that the overall rate of death was actually lower for those on Praxada—4.83 percent versus 5.02 percent in the control groups.

And that’s not the only pill with some scary side effects. Check out these popular medications—some of the side effects are bizarre, to say the least. Continue reading

Receiving Therapy Through a Smart Phone App? Psychological Help Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

This is one area where humans could never be replaced. What about eye contact, the feeling of having a safe and sacred place and building trust with another individual is am integral part of therapy. These apps are another attempt at achieving a positive outcome, in this case mental health, with outputting in the time. Two thumbs down.

HELPING HANDS One commonly used program tries to treat those who tend to fixate subconsciously on hostile faces.

Not for long, if some scientists have their way. In the past few years researchers have been testing simple video-game-like programs aimed at relieving common problems like anxiety and depression. These recent results have been encouraging enough that investigators are now delivering the programs on smartphones — therapy apps, in effect, that may soon make psychological help accessible anytime, anywhere, whether in the grocery store line, on the bus or just before a work presentation.

The prospect of a therapy icon next to Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja is stirring as much dread as hope in some quarters. “We are built as human beings to figure out our place in the world, to construct a narrative in the context of a relationship that gives meaning to our lives,” said Dr. Andrew J. Gerber, a psychiatrist at Columbia University. “I would be wary of treatments that don’t allow for that.” Continue reading