47 Ways To Boost Brainpower Now: Chocolate, Power Naps, Sex …

What do chewing gum, laughing, and lifting weights have in common? They all benefit the brain in a big way. Follow these 47 guidelines to make hitting genius status a no-brainer.


1. Aerobic Exercise: Read books, study hard— and do jumping jacks? There’s a ton of researchon the link between exercise and cognitive function [1]. And aerobic exercise seems like an especially great way to make it to MENSA— one study showed adults’ brain-processing speed improved after half an hour of moderate exercise. Do the brain a favor and get moving!

2. Listening to Music While Exercising: Pitbull, Lady Gaga, or old-school Madonna, pumping up the jams while working out can improve cognitive functions. In one study, cardiovascular rehabilitation patients performed better on a test of verbal fluency than those who worked out sans tunes [2]. Or maybe just waltz your way through a workout— other studies suggest listening to classical music can improve spatial processing and linguistic abilities [3]. A way to work the brainand the muscles? Now that’s music to our ears.

3. Strength Training: Bulk up the brain and hit the weight room. Research suggests strength training not only builds strong muscles and bones— it can also boost cognitive functioning. That’s because lifting weights may increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which controls the growth of nerve cells.

4. Dance: Bust a brain-boosting move on the dance floor this weekend. Research suggests dancing involves mental challenges like coordination and planning. Duh— has anyone ever done the Macarena? Continue reading