Video: Blogger Shows How to Create Those Before and After Fitness Shots with the Help of Chips, Soda, Oil and a Tanning Bed

This is a brilliant example of deception that is often used to sell products in the health business. The oh-so popular before and after photographs often associated with specific diet products frighten me! The after photos always look like they took a perfectly handsome man, with a little hair on his body, and perhaps a few extra pounds, and they turn him into an orange, greasy, plucked chicken, uber -metrosexual guy with some crazy constipated look on his face. This blogger below gives a dynamic example. I’d would totally engage in sexual activity, if you will, with the before picture, but ignore the after.

Want to get the body you’ve always dreamed of in just five hours?

One blogger and eating champion shows you how, without even having to deprive yourself of your favourite foods – in fact, you can eat potato chips and drink two litres of cola and still achieve the look.

Worth $60billion-a-year in America, the dieting industry is big business and many advertisements feature before and after shots to show you just how effective the product is.

How to: ‘Furious Pete’ explains to viewers that if sometimes those before and after shots seem impossible, then they probably are – but he is going to show us how.

‘The first step is to reverse the process. Go to the gym and do as many bicep curls, tricep push downs and chest presses,” he says. ‘Make sure you are as vascular as humanly possible.’

He then recommends going on a tanning bed so you can be as ‘tan as humanly possible. After that you should set up some good lighting and rub yourself in cooking oil.

Pete shows off the buff and slick after picture, which he admits he slightly Photoshopped.

Now for the before picture.

He says: ‘Take two hours off, you worked hard. Rest up and make sure the vascularity disappears. Grab a bag of chips and down all of them.”

‘Grab yourself a two litre bottle of pop and drink it all. Diet pop works even better because it has more carbonation and will make your stomach even bigger.’

He then recommends drinking chocolate milk, saying: ‘It will bloat the hell out of you.’

Then, the before shot is complete. Pete stands with his stomach hanging over his pants and the bulging biceps from just hours before have disappeared, proving that we ‘shouldn’t believe everything we see.’Read more:

Avoid Stress-Eating: What’s Your Vice?

Inevitably when faced with stress people turn to vices that are unhealthy: food, alcohol, drugs or acting out in ways that are unhealthy, perhaps sexually.

(CNN) — That foods can soothe, reduce anxiety and boost your mood is well known to anyone who has kept a vise grip on a pint of Chunky Monkey at midnight or dived into the deep end of a party pack of chips at the end of a day gone awry.

In a perverse way, ice cream and chips do represent a fast-track to happiness. A load of simple carbohydrates provides an instant lift because carbohydrates trigger the rapid release of serotonin, the mood-elevating “happy hormone.” When the brain produces serotonin, we experience a calming effect.

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